About Us


We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will
benefit you. We are delighted to announce that our company name has changed from SUPERB SEO to INHOUSE WEB

There have been no changes in management and you can expect the same fast, quality work from our team.


In simple terms, our team is big enough to do the job but small enough to care…since we commenced in 2008 our talent, our focus and our technology have been refined and continuously improved by always being one step ahead.

We take the time to get to understand your business, your challenges, and your unique needs before developing a Website or Marketing strategy for your business. We aim to offer high-quality services at a fair price.

Ever wonder how some companies are so successful?

It’s because they invest in customized marketing. One size does not fit all in digital marketing. When you work with us, we make sure we send out the right message to the right people at the right time so you see the greatest return on investment.

Talk to us we see how we can help you rise above the competition and stand out.


We just love what we do… INHOUSE WEB offers a unique balance of science and art, requiring solid technical expertise and creativity in executing the best Digital Marketing Services. Every market segment, every client and every website is always different…and as they say, variety is the spice of life!


From a “helicopter view” of your performance we can drill down through all your data such as – traffic volumes, time spend on site, page views per visit, conversions and more, constantly seeking opportunities to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI). We benchmark our performance against a range of criteria and we always deliver the best ROI.


At INHOUSE WEB we don’t hide what we do behind “smoke and mirrors”. The brief to all our marketing experts is for them to share their experience and expertise with our clients. As your knowledge grows, so does the value of our partnership with you.


Web design and Online Marketing company in Port Elizabeth.
Big enough to do the job, but small enough to care…
See what our clients have to say and let’s get on with it…
Our Testimonials 


PHONE     074 889 9719 | 082 607 3969

ADDRESS    Port Elizabeth

EMAIL    hello@inhouseweb.co.za